Thursday, July 26, 2012

Refocussed and ready to race

Starting a new job soon so I've been busy wrapping everything up and getting into the new role already (its an internal move). It hasn't left me much time for blogging, but I've been keeping up the training.

The last few weeks training have been spent preparing for the M7 marathon which is this Sunday. I was still super fit coming off the disaster that was the GCM, but needed to refocus and make a few tweaks. That's all done and I'm ready for another attempt.

Biggest difference has been depletion training - running on empty to increase the efficiency off body to process carbs. We'll see on Sunday how thats worked.

Field looks good and weather promising.


  1. Good luck mate. Hope you run well.

  2. I'm not sure that depletion training is a great idea. Running is stressful enough on your body John without adding further stress of running on empty.
