Saturday, July 14, 2012

Picking up the pieces

One positive of pulling out at 36km of the GCM is that I've been able to get back into training to give myself another chance at a marathon this season. I've been asked a lot about what went wrong and the answer is 'I'm not sure'.

Maybe I went off too hard. A few people who have enjoyed my DNF would say this was my problem. Tiger thinks otherwise and logic is with him. I managed to reach 27km during a training run over 1 min quicker and feeling far easier than I did in the race.

Sally collapsed before the end of her HM and had to be put on a drip so it's possible that we were suffering some type of sickness that only impacted us when we put our bodies under pressure.

I could also have suffered from the heat and perhaps I downed too much Endura and too many gels causing my body to crash after a sugar high. Who knows...

I've managed to pick myself up and knocked out a decent 16km in less than 56 mins this morning. I'll be heading to the M7 marathon in 2 weeks to have another go. One thing is for sure; if you don't set the bar high, you'll never know what you're capable of.


  1. Head up JB you're in top shape. The times will no doubt come. JF

  2. Better to die like a man than live like a pussy.

  3. Bad luck mate. I'm sure the coach knows what he is doing. Hope you have a good run at Cities.
